Monday, May 21, 2012

Support the 99% Movement!: Are Command And Conquer (RTS ...

Look, we have been playing video games online for the last sixteen years.

Our experience extends from the Command & Conquer video gaming series:

Command and conquer (or C&C/cnc) video games have a few key indicators that set them apart from other "Real-Time Strategy" video games, these are:

- Command and conquer games are all played in "real-time".

- this enables factors such as "micro", which is:

Micro Management of your unit movements and "micro-management" of your building order.

- More-over, C&C games provide an encapsulating experience to the player due to the fact you will need to manage your resources effectively and are forced to "MONEY GRAB" when the game starts to fight your way to riches and dominate the enemy through "GLOBAL FINANCIAL DOMINATION":

This is fun because whenever a new game starts, if you manage to control more "supplies or money" than your enemy, then they are forced to back-off or "bunker" and "spam" (make more) money inside their base before they attempt to take you on.

This places your enemy in a very annoying and mean circle of vicious annoyance.

Basically, your enemy:


So they are stuck in a permanent "LOSING CIRCLE OF ANNOYANCE".

Many professional real-time strategy video gamers live for this sole domination:



"Hello, my name is General "AskiKaOwnzYou", I am a well known Command and Conquer semi-professional "for fun game" video gamer.

I log-on every single night directly after I finish my webmastering of my websites.

I have "bashed noobz" (won enemy video gamers) every single night of my life for the past seventeen odds years.

The attraction to playing "command & conquer" (C&C) online has to be the fact I posses some majorly professional "micro" and strategical skills and always end up being one of the top 100 video gamers within any Real time Strategy video game I desire.

This means I am beating 99% of all "Real-Time Strategy CnC" video gamers who are "naive" enough to attempt to stand against my professional in-game C&C skills.

Ninety nine percent of all gamers lose to me and I would say that fifty percent (50%) of all online gamers always say "you got lucky noob" to me once I bash them.

Typically speaking, whenever you beat a video gamer, you are deemed (in rts slang) to have "bashed them".

I enjoy bashing gamers for a living, it is how I have fun online.

I am very much a "dominant male" and I totally enjoy beating masses of cnc series fans and having them practice for months on end to "beat me once".

In-fact, I have been known to be-friend new gamers who Idislike on purpose...

Then train (teach) these gamers exactly how to beat me...

Everything I know in command and conquer strategy and micro management techniques in order to get these new gamers to "beat me"...

Generally these new gamers will try fora few years... then give up... This is VERY FUNNY and reinforces my pleasure and the reason why I love C&C dominance gaming!"

So as you can see in my lengthy statement above:

The Command and Conquer Universe is not just about "Real-Time Strategy",it is also a place that "Head-strong" and very dominant people take out their offline pressures.

The Command and Conquer Universe is "RIDDLED" with hundreds of thousands of "pre-pubescent" and overly confident little "piss-farts":

- They will come online, they will "flame" (abuse) anyone they can.

- They will "Mismatch" (cause a game error to avoid losing).

- They will "Disconnect" (Close their internet connection to avoid losing).

- They will "Cheat" (Download Cheat Software) to gain unfair advantage.

- They will "Map-Hack", "Wall-Hack", "Money-Hack", "IP-Number-Hack" (To get you offline so they win), "Ban-Hack" (Send fake refers to get your account banned forever), etc.

At the end of the day, the "Command and Conquer" gaming industry has developed into "so much more than that":

- Gamers have evolved so far that they are now taking the law into their own hands and "cross-hacking" each other to guarantee success in "video games"...

I know, sounds very stupid, however true...

so basically, the Command and conquer video gaming industry is very much the:


As such, in "real society". America, Great Britain, Australia, Russia, North Korea, etc are all free to wage wars against any other countries they see fit to do so...

These rules have somehow flowed over into "Real-Time Strategy" video gaming:


Just like Governments of the world, where "NO RULES TO GET THEIR WAY" is considered the normal technique of asset acquisition.

This philosophy is now applied to the online real time strategy video gaming arena!!!

Now I know not a lot of this sounds appealing to the nicer "non-dominant" people of the world (THE SHEEP, LOL).

However if I have just "tipped your fancy" and the idea of:

1. Logging-in.

2. Browsing for innocent gaming victims.

3. Playing against innocent gaming victims and placing them into submission makes you feel powerful.

4. then perhaps you ought to get into "dominance gaming' and go out and purchase the first decade (for starters) from E.B.GAMES (mentined below). This will give you a taste for domination and comes with several Command And conquer titles, all for below $10usd.

Now if you are after a "gaming clan" to play command and conquer video games with,then you should join the WGC^ (world gaming community).

In the World Gaming Community Clan, you can:

- Watch Replays (download, Upload, Review, Convict Cheats, etc)

- Play with other WGC^ members together (and flame enemy gamers, make fun of them and enjoy your online video gaming experience more because they use "SKYPE" to voice communicate during the games they play).

- The "internet gamers database" is located in the WGC^ forums, you can post "enemy gamers or clans and allied gamers or clan" so the WGC^ basically keeps track of their allies and enemies(a real life global domination clan).

- You can (once you are a member) create a "new mission" for all WGC^ members to participate in. New missions can envolve anything your mind can imagine, basically; "once a WGC^, ALWAYS A WGC^" and they are there to do as commanded (by you).


If you are interested in joining the "WORLD GAMING COMMUNITY" then you should probaly click the link below this article.

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