Monday, January 14, 2013

Teens: Apple iPhone out, Samsung Galaxy S III and Microsoft Surface in

1. wendygarett posted on 3 hours ago 2 26

Me? I want 27inch retina display 'the new iMac'!!! :D

5. -box- posted on 3 hours ago 20 5

Ha! Retina is out of date in the new era of 4K (aka "Ultra HD"). Mac doesn't even offer touchscreens, and probably won't until next year. Typical apple, months and years behind everyone else.

11. nwright94 posted on 3 hours ago 5 0

I don't think we will see many 4k monitors/laptops for awhile.

24. abdane posted on 2 hours ago 9 1

Faith in teens... RESTORED !

35. OHaZZaR posted on 2 hours ago 0 0

I see 4k monitors arriving in a year and hitting the mainstream in maybe 3 or 2 and a half.

12. wendygarett posted on 3 hours ago 0 11

That's ok, but I love Apple for no reason :)

44. KingKurogiii posted on 1 hour ago 0 0

well for this year and probably through next year too 4K Televisions are surely going to be ridiculously expensive whenever we even get them in the consumer marketplace and look at how expensive the Retina Macbook is now and it's display is of course within Retina territory meaning it's as sharp as your eyes can possibly perceive it. the common consumer wouldn't bother even IF they were anywhere near having it for us in something like a Macbook. it would just be too expensive, impractical and too power consuming. i wouldn't look for this on a Macbook next year let alone this year.

50. darac posted on 1 hour ago 0 1

What's the ppi of those 4K displays?
When will they be out?
How much will they cost?
iMac is the only desktop monitor with retina you can buy, hater

59. tedkord posted on 31 min ago 1 0

Retina is a meaningless term. Apple called the iPad 2 retina. Guess that makes the Nexus 10 ultra super mega retina.

51. RiseAgainst94 posted on 1 hour ago 3 0

Im not sure why everyone on this site finds it necessary to hate on Apples products, specifically the iPhone. While I have never owned an iPhone or any of Apples other current devices, I am knowledgeable and not over bias enough to acknowledge that they make solid devices around the board. while some of their technologies are overhyped, overpriced, and not up to times it would be ignorant to conclude that their iPhone or mac line are incompetant products, and if looked at by a neutral eye are actually quite competitive in many aspects. You can hate the company (for many reasons), but there are few reasons to hate the product. ***I would buy a GS3 over the iPhone any day (largely due to ios UI being completely outdated and jelly bean being extremely intuitive), but it's still a good device in many ways and to millions, worth the price tag (let apple price how they want as long as MC=MR=P)

54. wendygarett posted on 1 hour ago 0 2

Thank you so much for the consideration, but I personally think it's alright for them to hate when there are someone to love Apple, it's called balanced :)

besides, I'm get used to it anyway :)

56. MrJerry posted on 46 min ago 1 0

I don't think they are all so-called "haters".
Including me, i personally used to love Apple when they were real innovative

Now i want Apple to listen people like me and change at least a little bit for a good to all
But I dont really see any attempt they are willing to embrace other needs n factors insisting only their old traditional ways and being stubborn

If thats their strateges for thier customers, then fine

But please dont say it is still best as they used to be
Because it is not anymore!
Thats what really disgusts many people in here

60. tedkord posted on 24 min ago 1 0

I don't hate Apple products. I hate Apple's business practices of taking advantage of the severely broken US patent system to be awarded patents on ideas they stole from others, or obvious ideas (like shapes), then using those patents to try and eliminate competition through a non stop barrage of lawsuits seeking bans.

This affects me by stifling the innovation of their competitors, costing them millions in lawyer fees. The net result is I get access to fewer devices, which each do less than they could, at a higher price than they could be.

Sounds like a perfectly reasonable reason top hate Apple.

3. -box- posted on 3 hours ago 10 0

Seems accurate to me. Not just teens, people in my age group (21-35) too

7. bucky posted on 3 hours ago 2 18

Incorrect. Android is much more affordable so teens on a budget can buy. They're also heavily discounted a month after they are released.

14. tedkord posted on 3 hours ago 11 2

Excuses, excuses.

I'll tell you the real reason Android outells iOS by such large margins. Choice and freedom coupled with power. Android's got it, iOS hasn't.

15. frydaexiii posted on 3 hours ago 4 1

I don't see how that's a bad thing...Not only is Android better in features it's better in price too...

Also, discounted after a month just shows how quickly the Android hardware ecosystem is evolving. Only idiots like Apple would hold back technology for the sake of keeping their current product "in".

32. nwright94 posted on 2 hours ago 1 0

Doesn't mean they're not good devices. You can get a Verizon Galaxy Nexus for cheap now, even the razr M, they're great devices.

46. thunderbolt posted on 1 hour ago 1 1

Teens in India are Android fan by and large. It's not question of cheap or affordable, it's just that apple is seen as a jailed device with a huge price and no more. They just don't listen to any of marketing stunts of Apple.

55. bon24x7 posted on 49 min ago 0 0

there aren't any such marketing stunts by apple here in india..its just the price that made android popular..if iphones were half their current price then the story would've been different..about 90-95% of android users that i know or have met doesn't even know what android is about, they just bought one cos of the price or cause their friends has one..

4. MrJerry posted on 3 hours ago 23 1

The more you know, the less you like Apple

It's just that simple

8. CRICKETownz posted on 3 hours ago 2 9

Not necessarily, I just like Apple's not all I like but I do like them

17. MrJerry posted on 3 hours ago 6 2

In other words, "Brain-Washed"

34. amansingal14 posted on 2 hours ago 1 2

Dude, did you know?
An average Apple iPhone 5, if running Android, would be much less capable than any major co.'s current flagship.
But in case its running the old and boring iOS, it is just working smoothly. But again, it has an old and boring UI

47. KingKurogiii posted on 1 hour ago 2 1

the iPhone 5 has exceptional hardware, it's just optimized for the OS like it should be since Apple does the Hardware and the OS for themselves. although the hardware isn't "Android Ready" it's still more powerful than what phones like the Galaxy SIII (US), the Razr HD and the One X, phones which were the respective flagships for their brands when the iPhone 5 was released are using.

9. bucky posted on 3 hours ago 0 2

What does this article have anything to do with your statement?

13. MrJerry posted on 3 hours ago 3 0

Well I think teens are getting smart enough to choose what really they want...
And even those some figures could only be possible in US

It should be worse than this in the rest of the world for Apple

16. tedkord posted on 3 hours ago 0 0

Yes, it does. People are getting to know Apple, and, well, you know the rest.

6. ray77 posted on 3 hours ago 5 0

HTC butterfly is in and coming soon in june Samsung Galaxy S IV

10. dan86 posted on 3 hours ago 9 0

Quite expected apple can't fool people for a long.

25. tiara6918 posted on 2 hours ago 3 0

Great to see that people are realizing that apple just keeps on releasing the same thing over and over again while products like the sgs3 and ms surface just shows off how it distinguishes itself from the competition. With more marketing planning, other manufacturers can make their products on everyone else wish list too!

26. nwright94 posted on 2 hours ago 0 0

Just to clear it up: teens are starting to understand that there are better alternative to the iPhone and iPad out there, but do not confuse that with getting smarter. Go to any modern American high school like I did last year and they're getting anything but smarter.

30. ilia1986 posted on 2 hours ago 0 1

Smells like... teen spirit. :P

31. nwright94 posted on 2 hours ago 4 0

(Long post coming) Android is becoming more popular with teens for a number of reasons:
1. Customization is huge. My best friend went to the sprint store to get an upgrade, she's as tech savvy as a normal senior citizen. She could care less about apps as long as the big ones are there, but she loved how she could easily change fonts, widget sizes, number of home screens and all of that stuff.
2. Cheaper phones, cheaper apps: this isn't necessarily a bad thing, being cheap. It gives the teens more of a broad range of devices to choose from. Also, a lot of the same apps on android that are free cost money on iOS. Teens enjoy free apps, even if ads may come along with it.
3. Google services: what teen doesn't use YouTube, google search, and even gmail? A lot of schools let you use gmail for google docs and google drive for storage of school documents. It's built into their phones, what's not to love?
4. Their parents probably use iPhones: this may not be as much of a reason, but what teen wants to be caught using the same thing as their parents? Once they see their mom or dad using an iPhone, it loses its cool factor all the sudden. I've seen it pretty often in high school.
5. Easy social networking: it's so easy to integrate social networks onto android. You can easily integrate your Facebook contacts and all of that. In iOS, you can't share a photo or video or whatever to every form of social media you use in one spot like you can with android. You have to go into the app, choose upload, and do it that way. It's just not as intuitive and fast as android.
I am an iOS user and personally don't see myself using android because I'm so invested in iOS but that doesn't mean I see android for what it is; a great, flexible mobile OS. Sorry for the long post, just thought I'd share my thoughts.

39. tedkord posted on 1 hour ago 3 0

My buddy at work has been an iphone user since the OG. His concern was the amount he had invested in the ecosystem in apps, music and video.

He had the iphone 4, and skipped the 4s because it was the same phone. Then, the 5 came out, and he saw the same phone, only longer.

He bought a Galaxy Note 2, and he loves it. No regret at all. Her was able to port his entire itunes collection, minus the apps of course.

I was actually kinda trying to nudge him toward the iphone 5, because I didn't think it was possible to port the video content, and he had a ton of video, but damned if he didn't find a way.

52. KingKurogiii posted on 1 hour ago 0 0

yeah, being too invested in a platform is truly often an overseen factor in deciding to make a switch plus if you're contemplating going from Android to something else you've got to consider that it's much cheaper to use an Android device in the manner in which you're accustomed to because of how much cheaper the apps are, there's more free apps and you can side load applications as well.

the iPhone 5 is really a nice phone that i would have no problem suggesting a heavily invested Apple user to upgrade to unlike the 4S but moves like the 4S and iOS 6 are good examples as to why it's better to ween off as soon as possible unless Apple makes major strides in improving their OS which doesn't seem to be the plan for them at this point...

40. Schuler2828 posted on 1 hour ago 0 0

+1 to you, I like to see someone who doesn't praise Apple, and realizes Androids potential. Yes there is all that spot down inside of us were we would want to have an iPhone, even me who uses 4shared to get free apps daily, roots their phone puts Roms on it, uses their PS3 controller for their phone. Everything I do on my android and I can't to on an iPhone for some reason I would still like to have one..There's nothing wrong with liking one OS but still giving true facts about the opposing OS. Sorry for the nerdy comment just surprised by what you said.

42. nwright94 posted on 1 hour ago 0 0

I know I still missed a lot of advantages of android I just didn't want to write a book in the comment section. I do love iOS, iMessage and FaceTime are a big thing I use, and while I personally don't enjoy using android I still see what makes it so great for other people. I prefer more turnkey and quick access to my stuff, which I know you can do with android, I just prefer my iPhone. I know I may come across as disliking android in other comment threads but I'm just letting the inner fanboy come out and spew nonsense haha. I really like how quick android is evolving, but I'm content with where I'm at right now.

33. amansingal14 posted on 2 hours ago 3 1

my choice, a sony xperia z or upcoming lumia flagship instead of any apple product with so called 'Leading Innovation'...

Wanna link my Windows 8 to my future phone seamlessly.

36. reyenrique posted on 2 hours ago 3 0

Well if u read the news Samung Galaly S 3 beat out the apple phone 5 in innovation for the year 2012 and read the news plz read my friends!!!

37. Schuler2828 posted on 2 hours ago 0 0

At my school (8th grade) just about everyone has a iPhone and if it's not that it's a feature phone I've only seen 1 other kid with a Galaxy, they just praise and praise Apple while I don't go all nerd on them and prove to them why Android is better I certainly don't let them run victory dances. I'd really like to see the Galaxy's become the new thing for us youngsters getting tired of seeing the same phone everywhere like their possessed.

41. kabhijeet.16 posted on 1 hour ago 1 0

Iphone has a market only in US. and If teeens in US are opting for Android & windows then its curtains for Iphones. I can say that best OS is Android, at 2nd place its tie between iOS & Windows. Soon iOS will slip to 3rd spot. And UBUNTU is coming..God knows what would happen to Iphones..!!!!!

48. thunderbolt posted on 1 hour ago 1 1

I will blindly buy the device that comes loaded with ubuntu whenever it does.

53. KingKurogiii posted on 1 hour ago 2 0

get a Nexus 4, great, capable phone, it's inexpensive and it'll get an Ubuntu port if it hasn't already. o:

43. KingKurogiii posted on 1 hour ago 1 0

well i'm 19 and when the subject of phones come up (which i hardly ever bring up ironically being the most knowledgeable about them because frankly i can get tired of talking about phones) i'll show them all the neat things that devices competing with the iPhone can do for them to Ooo and Ahh over, i'll show them the practical aspects of larger and in some cases superior Hardware compared to the iPhone from my own usage and with Android i can usually match my iPhone owning friends app for app. i make a hard debate for my iPhone owning friends so sometimes they'll really step back and wonder why the iPhone is even appealing anymore. i think the phone i've impressed them with the most thus far was my White Droid Razr. they surrendered the cool status to that thing pretty quick. xD

49. thunderbolt posted on 1 hour ago 0 0

So what does Fill Shriller have to say next?

57. Rocksteady posted on 40 min ago 0 0

"flawless nature of apple?s products"
- apple maps
- antennagate
- scratches and dents
- purple camera hue
- lines over passwords fields
- irrisponsive screens when over scrolling
- No file browser
- only file management over itunes, and the list goes on.
Yeah, those are some fine products.

62. zibbyzib2000 posted on 1 min ago 0 0

...Because we all know how many "smart" choices teens make these days :p


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